
Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate

  1. In conclusion, gambling should be abolished because it leads to addiction, which can cause mental and financial damage. Crimes are often associated with gambling as it is committed by problem gamblers in order to pay off debts, and that they typically reached a severe stage after a few years of playing in casino.
  2. Yep, it pretty much was the same when cigarette advertising was banned – doom & gloom, the death of both sport & radio/tv, etc, etc. In fact the situations were very similar – radio, tv, advertising, & sports industries weren’t sticking by the existing voluntary code, the government proposed a more restrictive code, radio/tv/sport claimed it would have “serious consequences” for them.
  1. Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate Against
  2. Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate Arguments
  3. Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate 2020

GVC Holdings has reignited the UK sports betting advertising debate.

Yes they're should be banned gambling is the right thing. Ban all online and TV ads related to anything tied to the gambling industry. I think that gambling is out of control and that operators aren’t following the letter of the law when it comes to how they implement their advertising policies. And You can't succeed in life through betting. The whistle-to-whistle ban should be enough to address the issue of advertising volume. The only answer beyond that is better marketing. For more in-depth analysis on the state of UK gambling adverts, click here for the full GI Huddle Podcast. TAGS: Industry Sports Betting Feature.

The global operator, which recently posted an 8% year-on-year rise in pro forma net revenue for Q1 (and 17% online), has called for 'an end to all UK sports betting broadcast advertising,' excluding horseracing. It did not address casino advertising – considered by many European governments to be the far more dangerous vertical for problem gamblers – or bingo.


GVC said the voluntary whistle-to-whistle UK advertising ban agreed in December 'does not go far enough,' with the firm now committing to 'unilaterally ending all football shirt sponsorship deals with UK teams and banning perimeter board advertising at football grounds.'

While there was no specification it will stop advertising itself as of yet, GVC further pledged to increase investment in research, education and training, establishing treatment centres and offering free safer gambling software to problem gamblers.

CEO Kenny Alexander concluded: 'The industry should and can do more to protect the vulnerable and today’s announcement demonstrates GVC’s commitment to delivering on that.'

The benefits of a ban, for the biggest online sports betting group, if you include all its brands, are clear. The predominantly online operator doesn’t need to advertise anywhere near as much as smaller, newer organisations – who won’t necessarily have the budgets to compete, anyway.

As the Gambling Insider editorial team also discussed at length in the inaugural GI Huddle Podcast, Ladbrokes Coral has not necessarily excelled with the quality of its recent advertising efforts, either. Naturally, doing less of it would benefit GVC by reducing the emphasis on one if its weaker elements.

Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate

Alexander certainly can’t be criticised for pushing the company’s agenda. GVC’s share price has steadily risen this month, having hit a low of £5.07 ($6.54) at the end of March, growing from £5.79 at the start of April to £6.60 at the time of writing. GVC’s call for a ban on UK sports betting advertising accounted for a rise of roughly £0.10 on the morning of the announcement.

As always though, it goes back to that age-old question: is a sports betting advertising ban really going to reduce problem gambling?

It’s something that's difficult to envisage if casino and bingo adverts continue in their current form, while another point addressed in the GI Huddle is the heavy current focus on online advertising.

Taking television adverts away will not take sports betting away; nor should it. Like any other product on the market, it has the right to be advertised. The issue of problem gambling can't be tackled by pretending that product isn't there when watching a television screen. GVC's commendable investment in research, education and treatment is the far better bet.

The trick, meanwhile, is in marketing effectively. The Paddy Power brand recently hit the nail on the head with its Rhodri Giggs advert. Advertising properly – with subtlety and a relatable message – should not in any way harm customers, if applied correctly.

Recklessly throwing the words 'bet now' and 'best odds' around might do just that and, obviously, aiming higher takes time, money and effort; it’s easy to see how banning television advertising would be a cheaper and more attractive alternative for sports betting businesses.

Gambling companies need to be tactical, measuring their timing: when to use a certain advert and when not to. The same general marketing rules apply in all industries; why shouldn’t gambling operators have to go the extra mile?

A UK market with subtler, more effective adverts will be a much healthier place for all players than one with no televised sports betting advertising whatsoever. This scenario, after all, increases the theoretical risk of players turning more towards unlicensed operators, as it’s the licensed big UK players, answerable to the Gambling Commission, with the power to influence consumers for the better both on television and online.

Are there too many poor-quality sports betting adverts right now? Yes – but that’s exactly why next season’s whistle-to-whistle ban was announced.

Alexander and GVC have seen tremendous success in recent years, showing accurate judgement on a number of key issues. Here, however, it’s hard to see how an end to televised sports betting would help anyone except the very top of the industry. The whistle-to-whistle ban should be enough to address the issue of advertising volume. The only answer beyond that is better marketing.

Should gambling advertising be banned debate againstShould

For more in-depth analysis on the state of UK gambling adverts, click here for the full GI Huddle Podcast.

What are the adverse effects of gambling? How does it affect society? Should gambling be legal? We don’t think so and here we bring you an article that discusses the reasons why gambling should be illegal.

Gambling refers to the process of staking money in view of gaining more. When it comes to making money, one has to draw a line between need and greed. Gambling is something that blurs this line. It tempts you to risk more in an attempt to win more and the cycle does not seem to end. In case you lose money, you want to earn it back and if you earn money, you are tempted to gain more. Caught in the cycle, you keep gambling for hours. And then you do it regularly. It becomes a habit you cannot break.

Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate Against

Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate

Over time, you may get addicted to gambling. In the process, you end up losing large sums of money. Even if you win, your greed to win more might never end. The activity that started as a game of winning or losing money might take a bad turn and lead you to criminal activities. Gambling may breed ill-practices that have adverse effects on your family and social life. Perhaps, a good solution to prevent the damaging effects of gambling is to make it illegal.

Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate Arguments

Why Gambling Should Be Illegal

Gambling Invites Problems

Gambling is meant to serve as a recreation. People engage in gambling activities to get rid of their problems, stress, and loneliness. But most often, the contrary happens. Gambling often turns out to be a thoughtless splurge of money and a waste of quality time. It invites problems.

Gambling Leads to Crime

Gambling can lead people to crime. Those addicted to it fail to think wisely before taking any decisions in life. The addiction forces them to risk huge amounts of money. It may lead them to a stage where they cannot stop themselves from betting money and valuables, in turn leading them to bankruptcy. Those addicted to gambling are often seen giving up their jobs and careers, thus spoiling their lives.

Compulsive Gambling can Ruin Life

Problem gamblers or compulsive gamblers as they can be called, feel compelled to bet money with the intent to win more. Irrespective of whether they lose or win money, their addiction to gambling forces them to continue staking it. It may land them into huge debts. Lack of funds to repay the loans may leave them incapable of shouldering responsibilities towards their family. In this case, the family members have to face hardships and economic problems, or they may decide to separate, sharing no responsibility of the money lost.

It’s Addictive

Gambling is so addictive, that it won’t be wrong to compare it with drugs. Similar to how substance abuse has devastating effects on a personal and social level, even gambling is detrimental to both these aspects of living. That’s one reason why it is wise to outlaw it.

Gambling Affects Finances

Should Gambling Advertising Be Banned Debate 2020

Though one may argue that gambling is only a means of recreation and that it should be taken as a form of entertainment, truth is that it is seldom taken that way. Gamblers consider it to be a business, an investment, or a way to earn money. They take irresponsible decisions about staking money and risk amounts they don’t even have. This leads to huge debts they may never be able to repay. The prohibition of gambling by law is an effective measure to discourage people from its damaging effects.

It’s Fruitless

Money that could have been invested in better ways or put to better use is lost in gambling. Money just changes hands between the gamblers and is never really put to any worthy use. It keeps circulating between those involved in gambling, and they keep switching between rich, richer, poor, and poorer. Gambling can make the rich poor and the poor rich, within seconds; that too only out of luck. It is tempting to bet money, hoping for a bigger win every time. The allurement is not easy to overcome. And hence it’s best done by law.

Gambling Leads to Malpractices

Gambling leads people to borrow money and take secret loans for betting. These practices can best be prevented through law. Generally, people fear to do something that is illegal. They prefer to remain away from anything that is banned by law. Thus, if gambling is made illegal, its detrimental effects may be substantially reduced.

Making gambling illegal can solve many of the problems associated with it. Crime is best curbed through the use of law and order. If addiction to gambling is entitled to punishment, gambling practices will become less prevalent or may even stop completely. Strict laws against gambling, punishments or penalties to those caught, and surveillance, can prevent the number of people engaging in gambling activities.